24th Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society (DGK) 2016


Scientific Programme


Crystallography throughout the sciences in theory and practice
Advances in crystal chemistry
100 years after Debye-Scherrer: Modern powder diffraction
Liquid crystals and their applications

Confirmed speakers:

Tschierske, Carsten (Halle/DE)
Breu, Josef (Bayreuth/DE)
Cramer, Patrick (Göttingen/DE)
Chapman, Henry (Hamburg/DE)
David, Bill (Oxford/DE)
Friscic, Tomislav (Montreal/CA)


Universität Stuttgart
Kollegiengebäude II
Keplerstraße 7
70174 Stuttgart (DE)

Conference Chairs:

Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Heisenbergstraße 1 • 70569 Stuttgart

Prof. Dr. Thomas Schleid
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry University Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 55 • 70569 Stuttgart

Organising Committee:

Robert E. Dinnebier
Rainer Niewa
Frank Gießelmann
Thomas Schleid
Paul Keller
Thilo Stehle
Jürgen Köhler
Anke Weidenkaff
Bettina Lotsch