1st Workshop for the Extreme Conditions Beamline at the new 3rd generation synchrotron facility Petra III at DESY

Announcement of the 1st Workshop for the Extreme Conditions Beamline at the new 3rd generation synchrotron facility Petra III at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, May 18-19 2009

Beamline P02.2 will be providing experimental setups capable of high-energy monochromatic and pink beam diffraction. The experimental station will be optimized for micro and submicron powder/single crystal diffraction at high-pressure and simultaneous high/low temperatures in the Diamond Anvil Cell and the Paris-Edinburgh Cell. The capability of generating extreme pressure and temperature conditions will be complemented by time resolved diffraction capabilities.

The „1st Workshop for the Extreme Conditions Beamline“ is being convened to discuss the scientific focus of the beamline P02.2, based on the needs of the German, European and International community and to find a consensus regarding the best possible design.


Hanns-Peter Liermann (Email)
phone: +49 40 8998-5722
email: hanns-peter.liermann@desy.de (Email)

Die Ankündigung finden Sie unter: http://indico.desy.de/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=1876 oder unter http://hasylab.desy.de