DGK Arbeitskreis Biologische Kristallographie

DGK-Workgroup Biological Crystallography-Workshop 2019: Diffraction Data Collection Using Synchrotron Radiation

04.07. – 06.07.2019 BESSY, Berlin-Adlershof
Application Deadline extended: 8th May 2019

The workshop comprises a series of basic lectures on the topic and two extended practical sessions. It is aimed at PhD students in Biological Crystallography with little or no experience in diffraction data collection at a synchrotron.

Participants are encouraged to present a poster on their own work. The best poster will be awarded with an attractive prize.

Invited Speakers:

  • Kristina Djinovic-Carugo (University of Vienna)
  • Kay Diederichs (University of Konstanz)
  • Andreas Förster (Dectris)
  • Uwe Mueller (MAX IV LAB)
  • Karine Roewer (Crelux, Munich)

The workshop fee is € 100 for DGK-members and € 120 for non-members. This fee covers all conference material as well as board and lodging for two nights in Berlin-Adlershof. The maximum number of students admitted will be 20.