15-18 März 2021
The next Annual Meeting of German Crystallographic Society (29. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kristallographie – DGK) will take place from 15-18 March 2021.
The DGK2021 will be organised by DESY (Hamburg, Germany) as a virtual event, due to the present situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Crystallography is a modern, interdisciplinary field of research and relevant for many innovations ranging from novel pharmaceuticals to new materials. We are looking forward to meet crystallographers from different disciplines and to offer a virtual platform for a fruitful exchange of ideas at the DGK2021.
Abstract submission opens: 07. 12. 2020
Abstract submission deadline: 06. 01. 2021
Registration opens: 15. 01. 2021
Registration deadline: 17. 03. 2021
Further information will follow on this official DGK2021 conference webpage soon.
Organisator der Tagung ist Edgar Weckert vom DESY (Hamburg) <edgar.weckert@desy.de>.
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