DGK Arbeitskreis Materialwissenschaftliche Kristallographie

DGK – Workgroup Materials science crystallography ONLINE-Workshop: “Crystallography in Materials Science: Future Developments & Career Options”

October 04 – 05, 2021, Deadline for registration September 15, 2021

Workshop Description

The workshop is intended for graduate students, PhD students, and young scientists active in solid-state research (chemistry, physics), geosciences, crystallography, and materials science. During the workshop, the following topics will be addressed:

Method development at large research facilities:

Hot topics
New techniques

Career perspective for young graduates in:

Academia, industry, public service and at large research facilities

The participants are encouraged to present their work as lightning talks. Individual problems will be discussed.


Bernd Hinrichsen (BASF Ludwigshafen)

Ariane Friedemann (Polizei Bremen)

Mirijam Zobel (University Aachen)

Martin Etter (Petra III DESY Hamburg)

Anatoliy Senyshyn (FRM II Munich)


Additional information will soon be available at:


Please send an email for registration: weidenthaler@mpi-muelheim.mpg.de

If you intend to give a presentation, lease also send the title of your contribution.

The workshop is limited to 50 participants.