by Frank Hoffmann
“The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry” is the title of a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) that has been produced at the University of Hamburg. The chemists Frank Hoffmann and Michael Sartor want to give a very practical introduction to the foundations of crystallography.
The content of this course has been prepared specifically for online participation. It is suitable not only for students of various scientific disciplines but also for every non-specialist with interest in this topic. Short videos much like those on YouTube, quizzes and a discussion board provide a contemporary learning environment. and the use of well-established software for the three-dimensional analysis of crystal structures is explained through “Hands-on” sessions.
The course is free and will start at October the 16th. It will run for seven weeks and each week a new chapter is uploaded to the platform. Many social media services are included such as facebook or flickr, for instance, to build a collection of pictures of symmetry patterns by the Crystal MOOC community.
Are you interested in a virtual class room with students from all over the world? Maybe you want to try a new way of learning at your very own pace, at the comfort of your home? Then enroll in the Crystal MOOC.
Your instructors from the University of Hamburg have prepared a preview unit, where you can find four short videos and the trailer of this course.
The Fascination of Crystals and Symmetry can be found here:
(To view the preview, please click the green button to enroll.)