Call for DGK Travel Grants to IUCr Congress, Montreal, Canada

DGK-News Date: 25. April 2014

Dear Members,

we encourage applications for Student Travel Support Grants to IUCr XXIII, Montreal, Canada

CALL FOR APPLICATION FOR DGK TRAVEL GRANTS TO 23rd IUCr Congress and General Assembly, Montreal, Canada

AUSLOBUNG VON DGK REISESTIPENDIEN ZUM 23. IUCr Kongress und Generalversammlung, Montreal, Kanada

The DGK issues travel grants for the active participation of young scientists with student status at the 23rd Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography in Montreal, Canada, 5-12 August 2014.

Please send your application (in Deutsch or English) not later than 25th May 2014 to the DGK chairman, Prof. Dr. W. W. Schmahl, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München, Theresienstraße 41, 80333 München. Your application should include:

  • Cover letter with motivation (1 page) / Anschreiben mit Motivation (1 Seite)
  • Short CV / Kurzer tabellarischer Lebenslauf
  • Proof of student status / Studienbescheiningung oder äquivalent
  • Abstract submitted to the conference and proof of acceptance / Eingereichtes Abstract und Nachweis der Annahme durch die Tagungsleitung
  • Brief budget-plan / Kostenplan
  • Supporting statement (letter) of a Professor or a Senior Scientist at a university or public research institution / Unterstützender Brief durch Betreuer
  • Statement if you receive a travel grant from elsewhere (e.g. by IUCr) / Mitteilung über Erhalt weiterer Reisestipendien (z.B. durch IUCr)

Grants will be issued subject to the quality of the application and the available funds.

Prof. Dr. W. W. Schmahl, DGK Chairman