Dear colleagues and AK members,
the Crystal Physics Working Group of the DGK would like to draw your attention to a block course “Electromechanical Properties of Crystals”, which will be held for master students of crystallography, mineralogy, materials science and related subjects.
The course will be held in Bochum, Germany, February 15-19, 2016, at the Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics of the Ruhr University (Universitätsstrasse 150, NA 04/493).
The aim of the block course is to make the basic knowledge of crystal physics, which is indispensable in today’s fundamental research, accessible to interested parties from different disciplines and to explain the application potential using current topics as examples.
Topics to be covered in the course include: Thermodynamics, pyroelectric and piezoelectric effect, dielectric properties, thermal expansion, elasticity, elastodynamics, and structure-property relationships.
Participants should bring basic knowledge from the field of crystallography (e.g. about crystallographic reference frames and their transformation as well as symmetry properties).
It is possible to take an exam and receive 4 ECTS credits. There are no fees for this block course.
Information and registration (until 29.01.2016 at the latest):
Privatdozent Dr. E. Haussühl
Institute of Geosciences / Dept. of Crystallography
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Altenhöferallee 1
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Tel. 069-798-40105
fax 069-798-40108