DGK Workgroup Experimental Methods

Electron Crystallography School – Introduction to electron diffraction tomography

The school is intended to give a general overview of modern methods in electron crystallography with a strong accent on electron diffraction tomography. The students will learn basics of crystallography, image and diffraction pattern formation in a transmission electron microscope and most common methods of structure analysis using electron scattering data. Two transmission electron microscopy (TEM) labs are available in order to get an extended experience in diffraction tomographic data acquisition – at the Technical University of Darmstadt and the University of Mainz. Diverse data processing approaches will be presented during afternoon seminars. With the knowledge gained from the school the participants will be able to run tomographic experiments on their own and have a deep understanding of data processing upon their return to the home institution.

Basic crystallographic or TEM knowledge is desired; nevertheless both topics will be covered in a deep and deductive way. Students from diverse fields (chemistry, physics, biology, etc.) are encouraged to apply.
