DGK Workgroup Experimental Methods

Rietveld analysis with BGMN

The workshop is addressed to persons using the BGMN Rietveld program in research and education. Basic knowledge in X-ray powder diffraction is assumed. The content focuses on laboratory powder diffractometers, the application of BGMN in phase analysis, and examples in the tutorials are mainly from minerals and rocks, inclusive clay materials.

Computer exercises will be performed on the participants own laptop computers. The BGMN, BGMNwin and Profex software are under GNU GPL and will be distributed for free. Versions for Windows and Linux systems will be available. Copies of the presentations will be distributed as PDFs. Participation is limited to 20 persons. Confirmation will be sent after pre-registration deadline.


Content:        2 * 6 hours in total


– the Rietveld method and BGMN software

– use of the GUI Profex (Nicola Döbelin)

– profile modeling including clay structures

– problems related to quantitative phase analysis

Tutorials:         – settings of laboratory XRPD instruments

– simulation and check of instrumental profiles

– computer exercises on prepared problems

– use of control files for phase quantification

– sources of errors in mineral quantification

Lecturers:     Reinhard Kleeberg, Nicola Döbelin, Kristian Ufer

 Date:              March 12-13 2014

Place:             TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Department of Mineralogy

Brennhausgasse 14

D-09596  Freiberg


Fees:              include workshop material and workshop diner

full registration            170,- €

students reduced         60,- €


Please book your room on your own, e.g. via tourist service



deadline  January 24th 2014

Email to the address below, with name, institution, student/no

Contact:         Dr. Reinhard Kleeberg

Tel. 0049(0)3731 393244

Fax. 0049(0)3731 393129