DGK Workgroup Chemical Crystallography

Workshop Symmetry Relationships in Crystal Chemistry

Joint Workshop of AK2 and AK19

Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Nöthnitzer Straße 40, 01187 Dresden


Ulrich Müller, Michael Ruck, Oliver Oeckler, Holger Kohlmann, Rainer Pöttgen, Caroline Röhr, Thomas Doert, Ulrich Schwarz

Book recommendation

Symmetry relations between related crystal structures by Ulrich Müller

Further information

  • As expected, the workshop fee will not exceed 50 Euro.
  • Included are workshop materials, lunch and coffee breaks on the three days of the event.
    A hotel contingent near the institute and the city center has been reserved for the participants.
  • A hotel contingent near the institute and the city center has been reserved for the participants.
  • Please book the overnight stay for 63 Euro including breakfast yourself at www.ibis-dresden.de ,
    Password MPI-workshop 2019; registrations until 29.8.2019.



If the number of registrations exceeds the available places (about 40), the participants will be selected by the local organizers.


The organizers would like to thank the German Society for Crystallography (DGK) and the German Chemical Society (GDCh) for generous financial support.
