Karlsruhe 2017

Microsymposium „Lightning talks of young crystallographers 1 & 2“
and Get-Together of the „Young Crystallographers“
at the 25th Annual Conference of the German Crystallographic Society

Organizer: Melanie Nentwich (Freiberg/DE)
Chairs: Matthias Zschornak (Freiberg/DE), Hartmut Stöcker (Freiberg/DE), Alexander Pöthig (München/DE), Linda Hollenbeck (Bochum/DE), Michael Haiduk (Bochum/DE), Gregor Hofer (Zürich/CH), Falk Meutzner (Freiberg/DE)

Monday March 27th – Thursday 30th 2017
@ Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

31 abstracts of young scientists were selected for 5-minute presentations during two lightning talk sessions and subsequent poster sessions.
STOE sponsored three prizes that were awarded by a committee of three experienced scientists to:

Antje Hirsch, RWTH Aachen
Matthias Künzle, RWTH Aachen
Zoltán Balogh-Michels, Empa Dübendorf

The winning posters:

Synthesis and characterisation of various monazite solid solution series, Antje Hirsch


Binary Protein Crystals for the Assembly of Inorganic Nanoparticle Superlattices, Matthias Künzle


The growth kinetics and the structure of expanded austenite in AISI316L stainless steels characterized by in-situ XRD, Zoltán Balogh-Michels


The presentations given at the microsymposium „LT1 – Lightning Talks of Young Crystallographers“ were:

  • LT1-01 (P68), „The UV-triggered decomposition of 3-(4-pyridyl)-acetylacetone“, Marius Kremer (Aachen/DE)
  • LT1-02 (P25), „Structure-property relationships in mullite-type and related compounds“, Linda Hollenbeck (Bochum/DE)
  • LT1-03 (P48), „Understanding of electrochemical mechanism of 4d layered cathode Li2RuO3: in situ synchrotron study combined with electrochemical kinetics“, Ye Yao (Changchun/CN)
  • LT1-04 (P77), „Hydrothermal preparation of LFP particles with high crystalline for electrochemistry“, Guiying Tian (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE)
  • LT1-05 (P144), „High-Resolution Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Investigations of β-Rhombohedral Boron“, Claudio Eisele (Bayreuth/DE)
  • LT1-06 (P54), „Specificity of the rhodopsin transducin interaction“, Dennis Kwiatkowski (Berlin/DE)
  • LT1-07 (P65), „Materials inspired by nature: synthesis and characterisation of perryite-related compounds Ni8-xFexSi3 with 0≤x≤8″, Simone Gallus (Aachen/DE)
  • LT1-08 (P24), „Elastic properties and phase transitions of pure and Mn-doped åkermanite“, Michael Haiduk (Bochum/DE)
  • LT1-09 (P159), „Lab-based x-ray diffractometer for the investigation of low temperature magnetic field-induced phase transitions“, Tom Faske (Darmstadt/DE)
  • LT1-10 (P184), „Synthesis and characterisation of monazite solid solution series“, Antje Hirsch (Aachen/DE)
  • LT1-11 (P167), „Binary Protein Crystals for the Assembly of Inorganic Nanoparticle Superlattices“, Matthias Künzle (Aachen/DE)
  • LT1-12 (P82), „Boehmite (γ-AlOOH) nanoparticles as model system for monitoring particle formation in water based reaction media within the second time scale“, Stefan Diez (Erlangen/DE)
  • LT1-13 (P21), „Investigation of inversion domains in HTVPE GaN layers grown on sapphire substrates“, Michael Barchuk (Freiberg/DE)
  • LT1-14 (P52), „In operando X-ray Total Scattering Experiments on Li-Oxygen Batteries“, Andy Fiedler (Eggenstein Leopoldshafen/DE)
  • LT1-15 (P39), „X-ray Crystallographic Fragment Screening and Hit Optimization“, Nicole Bertoletti (Marburg/DE)
  • LT1-16 (P98), „Maximum vacancy ordering in mullite“, Paul Klar (Bilbao/ES)

The presentations given at the „LT2 – Lightning Talks of Young Crystallographers“ microsymposium were:

  • LT2-01 (P4), „Spin density of a cAAC-based stable radical from single-crystal X-ray diffraction“, Marion Flatken (Düsseldorf/DE)
  • LT2-02 (P23), „Synthesis, Characterization of compounds of earth alkaline rare-earth aluminates“, Chimednorov Otgonbayar (Halle (Saale)/DE)
  • LT2-03 (P83), „In-situ time-resolved XRD and RHEED study of the polytypsim in GaAs nanowires“, Julian Jakob (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Karlsruhe/DE)
  • LT2-04 (P96), „Modelling Disorder with DSR in ShelXle and Olex2“, Daniel Kratzert (Freiburg/DE)
  • LT2-05 (P147), „The growth kinetics and the structure of expanded austenite in AISI316L stainless steels characterized by in-situ XRD“, Zoltán Balogh-Michels (Dübendorf/CH)
  • LT2-06 (P55), „Structural Characterization of Fluorescence Optimized Bacterial Phytochromes as Optogenetic Tool“, Luisa Sauthof (Berlin/DE)
  • LT2-07 (P51), „P2-Na0.66Co0.95Ti0.05O2: a high performance cathode material for sodium ion batteries“, Angelina Sarapulova (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE)
  • LT2-08 (P64), „Synthesis of Sphalerite – different ways to obtain chemically pure and doped Material“, Judith Heinrich (Freiberg/DE)
  • LT2-09 (P16), „In-situ synchrotron XRPD study of crystallization kinetics of CaCO3 in liquid microjet“, Ahmed Mohammed (Villigen/CH)
  • LT2-10 (P75), „In-situ time-resolved X-ray diffraction of a single GaAs nanowire during thermal annealing and at growth conditions“, Seyed Mohammad Mostafavi Kashani (Siegen/DE)
  • LT2-11 (P47), „In situ Studies of NASICON-type Ca0.5Ti2(PO4)3@carbon for Sodium-Ion Batteries“, Qiang Fu (Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen/DE)
  • LT2-13 (P69), „Fostering what is needed tomorrow – facing problems in teaching crystallographic topics“, Stefanie Langenstück (Aachen/DE)
  • LT2-14 (P186), „Synthesis, compressibility and stability of W7Re13B“, Christopher Neun (Frankfurt/DE)
  • LT2-15 (P43), „A systematic in situ and real-time investigation of mechanochemical formation of pharmaceutical cocrystals“, Luzia S. Germann (Stuttgart/DE)
  • LT2-16 (P73), „Time-resolved in-situ high-resolution X-ray diffraction of growing self-catalysed GaAs nanowires“, Philipp Schroth (Siegen, Karlsruhe/DE)