The German Society for Crystallography awards the
Waltrude and Friedrich Liebau Prize for the Promotion of Interdisciplinarity in Crystallography
to Dr. Sebastian Bette
for his significant scientific work, combining for mutual benefit modern methods of crystallography, especially of X-ray powder diffraction, with methods of conservation science, in particular tasks of preserving and restoring archaeological, ethnological, artistic and artistic objects.
The prize of the “Foundation for the Promotion of the Interdisciplinarity of Crystallography” is intended to promote the link between crystallography and other sciences in teaching and research, and to make this link more visible to the public. Awards are given for work in which either methods and approaches of crystallography have been successfully applied to problems of another science or vice versa. This cross-fertilization of two partner sciences is excellently reflected in the works of Sebastian Bette.
Sebastian Bette, who is employed at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, is currently working at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart in the Artistic-Restoration Section as part of the project “In Search of the Structure” on the determination of the crystal structures of compounds occurring in historical artifacts.
The prize is endowed with 2000 €. It will be presented on the honorary evening of the annual meeting of the German Society for Crystallography on March 25, 2019 in Leipzig.