In the final rounds of votes for ordinary members of the IUCr Executive Committee, Dr Angela Altomare (Institute of Crystallography – CNR, Bari, Italy) and Dr Manfred Weiss (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany) have been elected to the two remaining places. Angela is a Section Editor of Acta Cryst. A and a member of the IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction. Manfred was a Section Editor of Acta Cryst. F (2008–2017) and was a member of the IUCr Commission on Biological Macromolecules and Teaching.
The IUCr congratulates them both and is grateful to the delegates for their votes. Angela, Manfred and Dr Thomas Proffen (elected in an earlier round) join existing ordinary members Professor Graciela Díaz de Delgado (Venezuela), Professor Jennifer Martin (Australia) and Dr Masaki Takata (Japan). Together with President Dr Hanna Dabkowska (Canada), Vice-President Santiago García-Granda (Spain), General Secretary and Treasurer Professor Bo Brummerstedt Iversen (Denmark) and Immediate Past President Professor Sven Lidin (Sweden), they form the new IUCr Executive Committee.