DGK Workgroup Chemical Crystallography
The working group serves as a forum for DGK members whose interest lies in the field of chemical crystallography. This includes the determination of the single crystal structure of small molecules, the field of crystal chemistry, as well as the investigation of aperiodic crystals. In addition to the study of structural properties, crystal chemistry also includes the reactivity of crystalline solids – regardless of whether they are inorganic, organometallic or organic in nature. Advances in instrumentation and method development are leading to an almost exponential increase in single-crystal structures that are newly determined each year. This inevitably leads to a re-evaluation of single-crystal structure determination within the chemistry community. However, simplified access to single-crystal structures and the large amount of data available also open up new perspectives and possibilities for structural chemistry.
Information and news from the working group will be sent via a joint mailing list. If you are interested in being added to the mailing list, please contact alexander.poethig@tum.de.
Spokesperson of the working group:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Doert: thomas.doert@tu-dresden.de
PD Dr. Alexander Pöthig: alexander.poethig@tum.de
Workgroup Workshops:
“Crystallography” Summer School 2024
GDCh Course: Classroom Course: Modern Rietveld Analysis in Practical Exercise (389/21)
11th Intensive Course: “Fundamentals of Single Crystal Structure Determination” – Hardehausen 2021
Workshop Symmetry Relationships in Crystal Chemistry
10. Intensivkurs: “Grundlagen der Einkristallstrukturbestimmung”
9. Intensivkurs: “Grundlagen der Einkristallstrukturbestimmung”
Workshop-Konferenz zum Thema “Absolute Struktur und Verzwilligung”