
Promotionsstipendien / PhD grants

Promotionsstipendien der Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
(applicant = PhD supervisor)

(for doctoral students in chemistry or adjacent topics; applicant = PhD supervisor)

(for doctoral students in chemistry or adjacent topics; change of location and host institution between Master and PhD studies; applicant = doctoral student)

Evonik Stipendien
(for doctoral students and master students in materials science, process engineering, chemical engineering, macromolecular chemistry)

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds – PhD Fellowships
(for doctoral projects in basic biomedical research)
(application deadlines: 01.02., 01.06., 01.10.)
(max. age: 27 years)

FAZIT Promotions-/Habilitationsstipendium
(max. age at start of PhD: 28 years)

Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft – Studienförderwerk Klaus Murmann

(application deadlines: 15.01., 15.05., 15.07.)

(application deadlines: 15.05., 15.11.)

(application deadlines: 15.07., 01.12.)


Promotionsstipendium Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
(application deadlines: 01.03., 01.09.)

Evangelisches Studienwerk Villigst
(religious affiliation: protestant)

Cusanuswerk – Bischöfliche Studienförderung
(religious affiliation: catholic)
(application deadlines: 03.01.2018, 18.07.2018, 03.01.2019, 17.07.2019, 08.01.2020)

PostDoc-Stipendien / Postdoc grants

DAAD Postdoc-Programm
(application deadlines: 15.03., 15.06., 15.11.)
(3-24 months)

DAAD Postdoctoral Researchers International Mobility Experience (P.R.I.M.E.)
(application deadline: 31.03.)
(18 months = 12 months abroad + 6 months in Germany)

DFG Research Fellowships
(max. 2 years)

Feodor Lynen-Forschungsstipendium für Postdoktoranden
(for postdocs max. 4 years after PhD)
(6-24 months)

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships
(European Fellowships & Global Fellowships)
(12-24 & 24-36 months)

(for postdocs max. 3 years after PhD)
(3 years + 2 years)

Emmy Noether Programme
(for postdocs 2-4 years after PhD)
(5-6 years)

Heisenberg Programme
(5 years)

(for postdocs max. 7 years after PhD)
(1-2 years)

(for postdocs 1-2 years after PhD)
(max. 1 year)

contact: DFG
(destination: USA)
(12 months)

DAAD Jahresstipendien für Ergänzungsstudien und Forschungsaufenthalte
(different application deadlines depending on destination)
(9-12 months)

DAAD Rückkehrstipendien
(max. 6 months)

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers
(6-24 months)

Fortgeschrittene Stipendien / Advanced career grants

Reinhart Koselleck Projects
(5 years)

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award
(5 years)

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers
(6-18 months)

Volkswagen Foundation                                                                                                            (several months up to 8 years)


Auslandsaufenthalt / Stay abroad

Fulbright Doktorandenprogramm
(destination: USA; citizenship: German)
(application deadlines: 01.03., 01.07., 01.11.)
(6-9 months)

DAAD Kurzstipendien
(different application deadlines depending on destination)
(1-6 months)

Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds – Travel Grants
(for doctoral students with an experimental project in basic biomedical research)
(application deadline: min. 6 weeks before departure)
(max. 3 months)

Reisestipendien / Travel grants

WE-Heraeus-Förderprogramm (DPG-Frühjahrstagungen / Spring Meeting, Deutschen Physikerinnentagung, EPS Meeting, IUPAP Meeting)

DAAD Kongress- und Vortragsreisenprogramm
(application deadline: min. 4 months before the event)

Fulbright Reisestipendien
(destination: USA; citizenship: German)
(1 semester-12 months)

DFG Scientific Networks/a>
(3-6 meetings of network participants)

(application deadline: 01.06.-15.07.)

FAZIT Reisekostenzuschüsse
(application deadline: min. 6 weeks before departure)

Auslandsstudium / Studies abroad

DAAD Jahresstipendium
(different application deadlines depending on destination)
(1 academical year)

Fulbright Jahresstipendien
(destination: USA; citizenship: German)
(application deadline: more information end of April)
(1 academical year / 9 months)

Evonik Stipendien
(for doctoral students and master students in materials science, process engineering, chemical engineering, macromolecular chemistry)

Druckkosten / Printing costs

FAZIT Druckkostenzuschüsse

Deutscher Akademikerinnenbund (DAB) – Druckkostenzuschüsse
(for women)
(application deadline: May)

Mehr finanzielle Unterstützung / More financial support

Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard-Stiftung
(for women with children)
(application deadline: 31.12.)

JECS Trust of the European Ceramic Society (ECerS)
(activities, events)
(application deadline: 31.5., 30.11.)

Such-Hilfe / Helping you search

e-fellows Stipendien-Datenbank

DAAD – finding scholarships
(for foreigners)

DAAD – Stipendien finden
(für Deutsche)

Marie Curie Actions – Open Calls

DFG Förderung