UPDATE: The deadline for submissions has been extended to September 30th, 2021.
Are you a young scientist? Do you want to publish your first scientific results? Do you want to put your very own research into focus?
Then send us your short articles for the Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie: Spotlight on Germany’s Young Crystallographers. We offer you the opportunity to publish your research as a peer reviewed article in a well-established, highly ranked, crystallographic Journal (IF 1.408).
This Special Issue is by, for and with the Young Crystallographers of the DGK. Our aim is to create an informative and interactive platform for the “young” scientists. Here, all young scientists and those young at heart can get involved, whose scientific training and profiling is not finalized. This should include people during their studies up to postdocs and also beyond. We want to cover all areas of Crystallography: Structural Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Cultural Heritage, Mineralogy, Earth Science, Quantum Crystallography, Nano Crystallography, Theoretical Crystallography, Electron-crystallography
We want you as a young scientist to be in the spotlight! Show us your very own research and reduce the author list as much as possible. Present us YOUR experiments or YOUR literature search as a review and earn your first-author publication! All original research is cordially welcome!
- free of charge
- peer review
- deadline: 30.09.2021
- min. 3 journal pages (2000 words)
- max. 3 authors
- short curriculum with or without foto (max. 600 words)
- General Guidelines of the Journal: here and here
- Templates: LaTeX (Word: please use a standard template) Consider all general guidelines!
If you are interested, please send us a non-binding expression of interest (yc@dgk-home.de).
Together with the chief editors of this Special Issue Prof. Dr. Rainer Pöttgen (Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, WWM Münster), Prof. Dr. Ullrich Englert (Department of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen) and Prof. Dr. Lars Redecke (Institute of Biochemistry, University Lübeck), we guarantee a supportive reviewing process!
We will establish a zeroth round of review realized by other trustworthy and reliable Young Crystallographers. Therefore, we kindly ask you to submit your manuscript(s) to yc@dgk-home.de with the subject: Spotlight on Germany’s Young Crystallographers.
Feel free to contact us with every question you have!
To make writing a little easier for you, we have collected a few helpful links down here:
- ‘Writing in the Sciences’, free course from Stanford University: https://www.coursera.org/learn/sciwrite
- ‘Creating and PUblishing Scientific Masterpieces’: youtu.be/w5Cy2mjBxQw
- ‘GRAMMARFOR ACADEMIC WRITING’, Theory and task: https://www.ed.ac.uk/files/atoms/files/grammar_for_academic_writing_ism.pdf