Preis: Euro 6,00
„CECAM/ESF-Workshop: Future developments in the study of structure-property relations by computational crystallography and experiments“
(Lyon, October 2000)
K. Knorr and B. Winkler (Herausgeber – editor)
Inhalt – Table of contents:
1. | Inelastic neutron scattering at high pressure | M. Braden |
2. | First principles lattice dynamics | S. de Gironcoli |
3. | All-electron calculation of the optical properties of crystals | E.E. Krasovskii |
4. | Optical and infrared absorption spectroscopy of minerals | M. Andrut |
5. | New non-linear optical materials | P. Becker |
6. | Ab initio calculation of core-level spectroscopies | C. Pickard |
7. | Interpretation of structure and dynamics from NMR | I. Farnan |
8. | Ab-initio calculation of NMR chemical shifts in solids | F. Mauri |
9. | Structural studies at high pressures | M. Hanfland |
10. | Theoretical studies under high pressure | V. Milman |
11. | Periodic LCAO calculations of crystal properties | M. Catti |
12. | Towards ab initio modelling of industrial crystallisation | J. Gale |
13. | All electron pseudopotentials | M. Hytha |
14. | Inelastic tunneling spectroscopy | N. Lorente |
15. | Elastic properties of crystals | J. Schreuer |
16. | Reconstruction and modelling of density distributions | K. Knorr |
17. | Structure refinement in Ti dichalcogenides | A. Postnikov |
18. | The topology of crystal structures | G. Thimm |
19. | Thermodynamics of disorder in minerals | M. Warren |