„VII. Workshop powder diffraction:
Structure determination and refinement from powder diffraction data“
R.E. Dinnebier (Herausgeber – editor)
Inhalt – Table of contents:
1 | Freely available software to assist in solving structures from powder diffraction | L.M.D. Cranswick |
2 | EXPO2000: a new package for ab-initio structure solution from powder data | A. Altomare, C. Giacovazzo, A. Guagliardi, A. Grazia, G. Moliterni, R. Rizzi |
3 | The solution of molecular structures by Patterson search methods using powder diffraction intensity data | J. Rius |
4 | Monte Carlo methods | M. Tremayne, C. Seaton |
5 | Crystal structure determination of tetracycline hydrochloride with powder solve | M.A. Neumann, F.J.J. Leusen, G. Engel, C. Conesa-Moratilla, S. Wilke |
6 | DASH tutorial 1 | K. Shankland, W.I.F. David |
7 | DASH tutorial 2 | H. Nowell, K. Shankland |
8 | Combined method for ab initio structure solution from powder diffraction data: The ENDEAVOUR software | H. Putz |
9 | Structure determination from powder data with TOPAS | A. Kern |
10 | Energy minimization techniques | M.U. Schmidt |
11 | Maximum entropy method applied to crystallographic problems | M. Schneider, S. van Smaalen |
12 | BRASS: The Bremen Rietveld analysis and structure suite | R.X. Fischer, Th. Messner, D. Kassner |
13 | High pressure powder diffraction | R.J. Angel |
14 | Application of X-ray powder diffraction in pharmaceutical sciences | P. Sieger |
15 | Structure determination from X-ray powder data of notoriously difficult materials | H. Gies |
16 | The importance of the inorganic crystal structure database ICSD for the application of Rietveld-methods | R. Allmann |