The prize of the “Waltrude-und-Friedrich-Liebau-Award Foundation for the Promotion of the Interdisciplinarity of Crystallography” is intended to promote the connection of crystallography with other sciences in teaching and research and to make this connection more visible to the public. The prize is awarded to works in which either methods and approaches of crystallography have been successfully applied to problems of another science (partner science) or methods and approaches of a partner science have been successfully applied to problems of crystallography.
The Waltrude-und-Friedrich-Liebau-Award for the promotion of the interdisciplinarity of crystallography is endowed with 2000 €. It will be presented on the evening of honour of the annual conference of the German Society of Crystallography.
All members of the DGK as well as members of partner societies are entitled to make proposals. Self-applications of prize candidates are also permitted. Proposals with short reasons are requested by Friday, 30 November 2018 and must be submitted by e-mail to the chairman of the prize commission (Prof. Dr. Wulf Depmeier, University of Kiel,