AK6 Molecular compounds

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie

Arbeitskreis 6

Molecular Crystallography


Sommerschule “Kristallographie”

The 12th Summer School “Crystallography” will take place from 16.9. to 20.9.2024. Binding registration will be possible from the beginning of 2024. Expressions of interest are possible at any time under ch.kleeberg(at)tu-braunschweig.de.

More detailed information can be found here:

Summer School “Crystallography”

Mission of the special interest group

Our group represents those DGK members with research interests in the field of single crystal diffraction of “small molecules” (which might actually be quite large!). Advances in instrumentation have caused an almost exponential growth of new structurally characterised compounds. Our group comprises people of quite different age and scientific background who jointly organise workshops and training courses to address the chances and problems associated with this development.

AK6 activities in 2020

We thank our friends from the Polish Crystallographic Association for their hospitality in Wrocław!

AK6 activities in 2019

From 21. to 26. July the first International Charge Density Meeting was held in Göttingen. We thank Prof. Stalke and his team for their hospitality and the perfect organization!

From Sept. 18. to 20., immediately after the GDCh-WiFo in Aachen, our interest group AK6 and the molecular crystallographers in GDCh, ChemKrist, jointly organised the workshop “Tipps und Tricks zu SHELX”.


PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Alexander Pöthig

Technische Universität München
Catalysis Research Center (CRC)
Lichtenbergstraße 4
85748 Garching b. München

Tel. (089) 289-13133
e-mail: alexander.poethig@tum.de

Stellvertretende Arbeitskreissprecherin:

Dr.  Beatrice Cula

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Chemie
Brook-Taylor-Str. 2
12489 Berlin

Tel. (030) 2093-7444
e-mail: beatrice.cula@hu-berlin.de

updated by: Alexander Pöthig