Aufruf zu Nominierungen für den Max-von-Laue-Preis 2025

Author: Daniel Többens - Date: 7. October 2024

This year DGK once again awards the Max-von-Laue Prize for outstanding young scientists. On behalf of the prize committee I would like to invite you to propose suitable candidates. Please also pass this announcement on to your colleagues. Every DGK member as well as members of related and associated societies and other interested scientists are eligible to propose candidates!

We require a statement from the proposer as well as sufficient information to evaluate the candidate (curriculum vitae, list of publications, copies of selected papers). Please send the documents by e-mail with the subject “Laue Prize” to the chairman of the prize committee:

Prof. Dr. Ella M. Schmidt
Kristallographie und Geomaterialforschung
Fachbereich 05 Geowissenschaften
Universität Bremen
Postfach 330 440
28359 Bremen

Telefon: +49 (0)421 / 218-65161

The award ceremony will take place during the annual meeting of the German Society for Crystallography 2025 in Hannover .

Deadline: November 30, 2024