The evaluation carried out near the end of the meeting rendered very positive results.
The meeting itself received very good marks overall (averaging to 1.4 – in German school grades, 1 = very good, 6 = poor), with good grades for organizational aspects: amount & timeliness of advance information – 1.5 & 1.3; possibilities for exchange between participants – 1.2. The duration of the meeting (2.5 days) seemed to be optimal and the number of participants good, while a slightly larger audience might be beneficial.
The venue at the university of Bremen received good overall grades (1.5) and the social program surrounding the meeting were very well-received (1.1).
Concerning the scientific program, the participants were rather self-critical, grading the quality of the lightning presentations with 1.9 and demonstrating that this is a new format for everybody. The poster sessions were graded positively (1.5) and made up for the short talking time.
With respect to talks given by industry speakers and keynote lectures, the overall evaluation was very positive, and one or two additional invitees will probably be well-received at the next meeting of this series.