Prize Committee for the Waltrude and Friedrich Liebau Prize for the Promotion of Interdisciplinarity in Crystallography

The Foundation of the “Waltrude-and-Friedrich-Liebau-Prize for the Promotion of Interdisciplinarity in Crystallography” awards a prize to promote the linking of crystallography with other sciences in teaching and research and to make this link more visible to the public. Further information can be found in the prize regulation.

Members of the “Prize Committee for the Waltrude and Friedrich Liebau Prize for the Promotion of the Interdisciplinarity of Crystallography” prize committee:

Dr. Sebastian Bette
Chair of the Prize Committee
Max-Plank-Institut für Festkörperforschung
Heisenbergstraße 1
70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0)711 / 689-1679

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Gesing
University of Bremen
Institute for Inorganic Chemistry & Crystallography
Leobener Strasse NW2
28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (0)511 / 762-9086

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Span
Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Egerlanstraße 1
91058 Erlangen
Tel.: +49 (0)913 / 1852-5428

Chair of the DGK (ex officio)