(Version according to the resolution of the general meeting of 31.08.2010 in Darmstadt)
The organisation and activities of the DGK working groups are regulated by § 15 of the statutes.
In their field of crystallography in the broadest sense, the working groups fulfil the purposes of the DGK according to § 2 of the statutes and thus serve, in particular
- the scientific exchange of experience and ideas
- further and advanced training in their fields of crystallography
- the promotion of research and teaching in crystallography.
The speakers of the working groups are elected by secret ballot by the DGK members of a working group for a maximum term of office of three years. Re-election is possible.
The working groups can hold their events
- as courses and workshops for further and advanced training, especially for young scientists in their respective fields
- as scientific forums and conferences for the exchange of experience and ideas
- in the form of national and international colloquia and workshops with the participation of members of the DGK.
- The speakers of the working groups have the right to:
- define the content and form as well as the topics and focal points of their events, taking into account the suggestions and opinions of the working group members
- introduce items on the agenda at the meetings of the Advisory Board
- make proposals for the main topics of the annual meetings
- hold microsymposia at the annual conferences
- provide the Board of Management with information and criticism regarding its activities.
The speakers of the working groups have the duty to:
- convene the working group at least once a year as a rule
- inform the Board of Directors, the members of DGK as well as those of neighbouring and associated companies and the public of the dates of the events in good time
- account to the Board of Directors for the implementation of the working group events and for the use of the financial support received
- publish the reports on the work of the working groups in the DGK communications.
The spokespersons of the working groups may apply to the Board for funding to:
- – Support the travel and accommodation costs of students and doctoral candidates as well as invited lecturers
- Production, design and acquisition of conference and training materials
- Payment of necessary costs incurred in the realization of the purposes of the working groups and their events.
Participation in the working group events is open to all interested parties.
The working groups recruit members for the DGK at their events.
On the basis of the proposals of the working groups, the board allocates the support funds within the scope of the DGK’s financial possibilities, taking into account the respective conditions and purposes of the working group events.