§1 Name, legal form, registered office
- The name of the foundation is “Waltrude und Friedrich Liebau Stiftung zur Förderung der Interdisziplinarität der Kristallographie”
- It is a foundation under civil law with no legal capacity in the administration of the German Society for Crystallography and is based at the escrow agent.
§2 Purpose of the Foundation
- The purpose of the foundation is to facilitate the interdisciplinary linking of crystallography with other sciences in teaching and research and to promote this connection in to make it more visible to the public.
- The purpose is achieved in particular by awarding a prize – in the form of a
usually every three years – to scientists and scholars for scientific works, in which either methods and approaches crystallography on problems of another science (partner science) or methods and approaches of a partner science to problems of the crystallography were successfully applied, which the prize committee as the most important and particularly outstanding achievements in this area within the
of the previous three years. Further details are regulated by the “Regulations for the Waltrude and Friedrich Liebau Prize for the Promotion of the Interdisciplinarity of Crystallography”.
§3 Non-profit status
- The Foundation acts selflessly and pursues exclusively and directly
non-profit purposes as defined in the section “Tax-privileged purposes” of the
Fiscal Code. It does not engage in any entrepreneurial activities and also does not pursue them in the first instance. Line for own economic purposes. It publishes its purposes and calls in national and international specialist bodies, in particular in crystallography, to the Nomination of prize candidates to the prize committee. - The funds of the foundation may only be used for statutory purposes. No one may be affected by expenses that do not correspond to the purpose of the foundation or by disproportionately high remuneration or other asset allocations be favored.
§4 Rights of the beneficiaries
The beneficiaries of the foundation have no legal claim to a grant of
foundation funds.
§5 Foundation Assets, Preservation of the Foundation Assets
- The assets of the foundation are derived from the trust agreement.
- The assets of the foundation are held in trust by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Crystallography is managed and held in an account of the DGK. - The value of the foundation’s assets is to be maintained undiminished.
- Contributions and donations increase the assets of the foundation if they are expressly are intended.
§6 Appropriation of investment income, financial year
- The foundation fulfills its purposes from the income from the foundation’s assets and from the associated certain grants (donations).
- The administrative costs of the foundation are to be paid out of the income.
- The financial year is the calendar year.
§7 Bodies of the Foundation
The Foundation’s business is managed by the trustee.
§8 Trusteeship
The trustee manages the assets of the foundation separately from her assets.
§9 Amendments to the Articles of Association, Changes to the Purpose of the Foundation, Consolidation, Cancellation
- Amendments to the statutes are permissible if the purpose of the foundation is observed, if of the foundation, which makes it necessary for the foundation’s operations to be maintained. Trustee decides.
- Decisions on the change of the purpose of the foundation as well as on the merger
or dissolution of the foundation are only permissible if the permanent and sustainable development of the foundation is ensured. the fulfillment of the purpose of the foundation has become impossible or has become impossible due to essential change in conditions no longer makes sense. Above this is the Trustee. - The transfer to an independent foundation requires the recognition of the
Board of Trustees. - Decisions must be reported to the tax authorities.
§10 Accrual of assets
If the Foundation expires, the assets of the German Society for Crystallography e. V. shall be forfeited. which it has to use for charitable purposes in accordance with its statutes.